Drinking through the nose

The gentle giant of the local German bakery, Samuel, is so approachable and softly spoken, that when he stands to leave his towering figure is quite a shock. His father is Israeli and his mother German-Polish, yet he grew up in London.

He's befriended most of Arambol, striding the streets shirtless, his long black hair tied up in a turban above a wide, easy smile. He's a caring, inteligent and spiritual man, religious and devoted to his practice. He's also very normal. We can chat about football and music like average blokes in the pub. One habit sets him apart from others however; he drinks through his nose.

Yes, he drinks through his nose.

We toasted to a good night ahead, sat on a beach bench, funk and soul music blaring from a dance floor. I took a swig and swung around in a double take. Sam's arched nose dipped into his glass of wine, his Adams apple bobbing up and down with each snorted gulp.

It was a new one for all of us. He drained his glass, sneezed a few times and gave thanks by placing his hands together in prayer. He says that it gives a different high, more alert and comfortable to 'mouth' drinking. An energy that carries him through all night raves on a couple glasses hit up the nose. Its a hard sell. Especially when everyone seems more then happy with the usual means of getting drunk. But Sam drinks water with the nose daily and is certain and passionate about its benefit's, cooling the brain with reviving effect.

The nose drinkers are a small group, but its origins can date back thousands of years. Sam's written a book and has a website drinkingthroughthenose.com and hoping not to paint a false picture, I'd encourage to visit his website to hear it from the horses nose. Sam shares his love and knowledge around town, giving free yoga and meditation classes to anyone interested.

I've not tried nose drinking myself, but travel teaches open mindedness, and hey, you never know. Maybe, one day, nose drinking will be a common sight in bars around the world. Or, maybe not.


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